A Quick Glance at PET Plastic in the U.S.
3.1 million: | Tons of PET produced annually in North America. (Source: GBI Research) |
1973: | Year that first PET bottle was patented. |
31%: | U.S. recycling rate for PET, reported in 2012. |
26,000: | BTUs of energy saved by recycling 1 pound of PET bottles. (Source: EPA) |
9.9: | Average gram weight in 2011 of a 0.5 liter PET water bottle. (Source: IBWA) |
1%: | U.S. municipal solid waste attributed to PET bottles and jars. (Source: EPA) |
45: | Estimated pounds of PET containers used each year per U.S. household. |
500: | Approximate melting point of PET in degrees Fahrenheit. |
1: | Resin identification code for polyethylene terephthalate (PET). |
21: | Typical number of recycled 20 oz. PET soda bottles made from a pound of PET. |
1/2 of 1%: | World oil production that goes into making PET. (Source: PlasticsEurope) |
41: | Number of recycled 2-liter PET bottles to make one square yard of carpet. |
1.7 billion: | Pounds of used PET containers collected in the U.S. in 2012 for recycling. (Source: NAPCOR,APR) |